- BUNGOU STRAY SHOTS IS FINALLY COMPLETE! After so long I've finally done it all - minus the OVA but shh.
- Added two episode six screenshots to part one of Kunikida's character gallery that were missing!. - Have begun screenshotting the OVA, and added image dimensions information to the FAQ!. - The OVA screenshots are complete! All that's left is to upload and update the galleries!. - OVA screenshots all uploaded! New galleries for Aya Koda and Shousaku Katsura! Updated galleries for Atsushi, Dazai, Kunikida, Junichirou, Yosano, Ranpo, Fukuzawa, Chuuya, Taneda, Rokuzou, and Sasaki!. - I'm going to Lucy's country! Out of contact for a while, see you lovelies soon! 🍁. Plus the creation of a placeholder for the soon-to-be season three gallery!! Yay!! Look forward to that and the currently being worked on Dead Apple gallery!
That being said there are a LOT of people using this site and I'd like to thank each and every one of them for their support!! Doing some small maintenance here and there today (An update to the about and FAQ.
- Hey hey hey I'm in school, in Canada! Which means stress is a thing. - BSD season three comes out April twelfth!!! Come on Sara, work faster!. - I've already screenshotted twenty minutes of Dead Apple! If it were a regular episode, I'd be done already! Oh, and a special thank you to the German friend who sent me a link on how to automate the process via FFMPEG (everyone tells me it's possible but nobody ever sends a guide, haha!) alas, for a long list of reasons that I don't want to stuff here (but will be putting in the FAQ) I cannot do it except for manually, but thank you!!. - BUNGOU STRAY DOGS SEASON THREE IS OUT! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. - FINALLY out of school! Expect updates! To the friend who informed me Oda's page isn't working, I can't find the problem - does the drop down that directs you to his part one and part two gallery not appear? Thank you for letting me know, and please tell me more! It works fine for me but I want to fix it for you!. - Found it! Oda button in the overall characters gallery didn't link to his page - now fixed! Thank you!. To the friend who asked - yes, I will be screenshotting season three! Lots of work to do this summer! Also: an updated FAQ, and I've made changes to the contact form so it doesn't require a separate first and last name! - Season three's been over for two weeks now! I miss my boys. - Adding some tiny ads for my RedBubble shop :> please support me if you can!!!.
- SEASON THREE OP AND ED UPLOADED! Dead Apple screenshotting is complete, but uploading is the tricky part, with almost fourteen thousand screenshots having come out of it!.Uploading Dead Apple screenshots broke other galleries, which required me to fix certain episodes.Working on a new total screenshot count! Will update once everything is done.Episodes 17 and 20 have had additional parts added to make screenshots easier to browse.The ending of episode 21 was entirely missing, about 200 screenshots.Trying to round up a few missing screenshots in Yosano's gallery.Discovered missing opening text screens for episode eight and eleven.Also considering potential galleries for close-up crops of characters.Considering potential galleries for "objects," "food," and "scenery," as well as "abilities" and "text".Planning to recategorize character galleries so you can track what episode a certain scene is from.
Slowly but surely screenshotting season three.Wan is finished! Episodes remaining to screenshot and upload: 9, 10, 11, and 12.